casa montessori
What is the availability for places?
The earliest possible places currently are:
Under-2s - January 2026.
2-3 year olds - January 2025
3+ year olds - October 2024.
How far ahead should I apply?
We will be processing preschool enrollment starting in August 2024. You can apply anytime and we will process your application in September 2024, for start dates falling within the next 12 months.
When will I hear about my application?
You will normally hear from us on 1st February and 1st August every year, ahead of the processing periods. We will ask you for up to date information and then try to fit in your child based on your requirements.
When will I have to pay the admin fee?
We will send the admin fee invoices during March or September. You will only have to pay it once per family.
How are places allocated?
We will consider children whose desired booking pattern and age is a close match to the place available. Looked-after children and those known to the local authority; siblings; children who have attended another Montessori nursery previously; and children of critical workers have priority.
When can I have a tour?
We offer a trial visit or a tour to children for whom there is a possible place. In the meantime, we invite you to see our videos and gallery here.